Our valued users, we would like to inform you that your privacy is very important to us on platform “Badnii”, and we do our best to protect and maintain it, so we ask you - please and not an order to review the terms of our privacy policy in the platform, mentioned below, logging on the platform and downloading its application and using it constitutes consent to the terms stated below as follows:
Please note that we may collect some information about you in order to improve our platform services and provide you with the best possible user experience.
In addition, please note that this information may be used and transmitted between platform “Badnii” and any other companies in order to develop the user experience, which is as follows:
The above information is collected to let our audience know more about the development of our services on the one hand, and on the other hand to better improve the user experience to meet the services they want and seek to find on the platform, and here are some reasons why we may use the information gathered about you:
Some software is used on platform “Badnii” known as "cookies" or cookies, which are used to analyze user visits to the platform, to provide us with some important statistics about visitors such as: pages visited, user-visited sections, user-browsed services and other information and statistics.
Collecting these statistics greatly helps us to improve the user experience of the platform on the one hand, and on the other hand is important to study our users in detail to provide them with the best service.
Please note that Cookies are small software that plays the same role or task as the trackers, and the user is free to agree whether or not to access his smart devices (smartphone or tablet), but keep in mind that if cookies are "denied" access to your device, this may result in some advantages not working on the platform appropriately or as expected.
By registering an account on platform “Badnii” and providing us with your personal information, you fully agree to our use of this information and data as stated in the terms of the privacy policy, mentioned above.
Please note that in the event of any changes to the Privacy Policy, this page will be updated with new changes. There, we advise you to always review the privacy policy page to be completely sure of all changes that may occur to it.